Contact Igloo

The product

Lendlease installed its VRoom – using one of our 6-metre immersive cylinders – at its new Elephant Park site to use across all departments, including projects, sales, safety and design.

The result

The VRoom quickly showed its value as you can see in the video. It helped to speed up processes, to save money, and engineers to make sure the site is a safe place to work.

Lendlease has also used the VRoom to engage with the local community. For example, school children have been introduced to the realities and dangers of a construction site with virtual site visits, without physically going there.

Learn more in this SHP Online article


“Previously we took a number of weeks working with the planners to help them understand how the buildings related to each other and related to the context, and it took about 6-8 weeks to agree the height of those buildings. Using this kind of technology we can agree that in five minutes.”

Tom Branton
Senior Development Manager, Lendlease

“VRoom enables us, as a team, to look at a situation and detract the safety issue and then find solutions to fix it. Graduates and trainees, who have limited experience on-site really value this experience. It builds confidence and helps them to recognise potential risks in a safe environment.”

Ian Cunningham
Health and Safety Lead, Lendlease

“As well as helping to give residents and other stakeholders a chance to see the plans and give their opinions on them, it allows the teams of engineers, designers and safety experts to work together and examine every aspect of the project in detail.”

Edonis Jesus
Consulting BIM Leader, Lendlease