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All the industry analysis suggests that the healthcare sector will be one of the biggest users of immersive technology – and some interesting Igloo Shared VR applications are emerging.

For example, one major provider is using Igloo to simulate unfamiliar healthcare settings (like a maternity ward in Uganda or an emergency room in Sri Lanka). Shared VR is also being used as part of therapy or treatment. And, as ever, we are helping clients to engage with various stakeholders.

Medical marketing
Launch new treatments and techniques in immersive environments.

Immersion therapy
Provide a safe environment for patients to simulate stressful situations.

Education & training
Bring teams with diverse skill sets into the same Shared VR environment.

Dementia care
Stimulate memories for patients and create engaging conversation-starters.

Anxiety treatment
Create a safe and calming space for patients.

Surgery simulations
Create repeatable training scenarios without any risks to patients.

Patient education
Empower patients by helping them understand the treatment they will be receiving.

Pain relief
Help distract patients during pain therapy.

In our 10+ years, Igloos have been used by healthcare clients for events, for therapeutic applications, and also for simulations.

So, please, get in touch to tell us about your ideas and how Igloo can bring them to life.

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