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Virtual reality (VR) (also known as immersive) technology has advanced significantly in recent years, with wide scale use in various fields such as gaming, education, therapy, and training. The psychological impacts of using virtual reality is a question that keeps popping up, and is one that has been researched more over the recent times, with the impacts being positive. This blog will explore some of the effects identified from using VR, on your psychological state. 


  1. Immersive Learning and Training - it allows for a more engaging and interactive learning experience that aids cognitive stimulation and supports development. It is particularly effective in fields such as medicine/healthcare, aviation and education, this allows for skills to be practised and learnt in safe environments.

  1. Therapy and rehabilitation - virtual reality can be used when treating phobias, PTSD and anxiety disorders by gradually and safely exposing patients to their fears and triggers in a controlled, escapable environment. It can also be used as a strategy to distract people from physical pain or chronic pain conditions by immersing them in calm and relaxing environments.

  1. Social Interaction - strong social skills are a vital part of life and they can be developed through the use of VR as it can allow people to practise their social skills. It can also facilitate virtual support groups  where individuals can connect and support each other with their similar issues and obstacles.


  1. However, the sometimes less positive impacts of using VR can’t be ignored. Some people suffer from motion sickness and disorientation as a result of using virtual reality. But using an Igloo shared immersive space can reduce this compared to using a headset, as the screen is not so close to your eyes.

  1. Addiction - some people get addicted to using virtual reality and escaping the real world, however using an immersive virtual reality space is a much more positive experience as you are not able to use it as constantly compared to a headset at home.

Overall, whilst VR has some negative consequences, using an immersive space compared to a headset is a much safer option as it reduces the direct impact on you psychologically. Furthermore, many people can experience the advantages at the same time using the domes or cubes. Browse our range of shared immersive spaces today in order to start experiencing the benefits available.


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