Contact Igloo

Igloo works with companies and organisations across the world to deliver cutting-edge training solutions that can be used across the employee lifecycle – to streamline onboarding and induction, develop new skills, reduce risks and improve employee retention.

Stepping inside an Igloo immersive space is a bit like stepping inside a giant VR headset, except entire groups can get inside, making it ideal for simulating workplace facilities and scenarios in a risk-free environment. 

Every Igloo immersive space is powered by Igloo Core Engine - the software platform for immersive spaces. Because Igloo Core Engine is so flexible and easy to use, training providers can make use of almost any immersive or traditional content.

Many specialist VR training modules and simulation packages work out of the box with Igloo and companies can also create virtual tours of facilities using 360 video or 3D modelling tools or create interactive training scenarios and engaging immersive presentations.

Because Igloo is prepared for anything, it can be applied to almost any onboarding or training situation, whether it’s to enhance leadership skills for business executives, to bring new recruits up to speed on a complex construction project, train the tactile skills of field engineers, to upskill medical professionals with the latest developments in their field or to simulate high-risk scenarios for emergency services and crisis response.

 Training clients use Igloo for

  • Onboarding – Rapidly bring recruits up to speed on facilities and safety briefings.
  • Soft skills - Develop presentation skills, sales techniques and problem-solving.
  • Simulate dangerous scenarios - Practice high-risk situations in a risk-free environment.
  • Hands-on experience - Bring real, physical objects into the space and develop tactile skills.
  • Continual professional development - Learn new skills and improve professional practice.
  • Impactful presentations - Use immersive content to make training presentations more engaging.

How Igloo clients are benefitting from shared immersive training.

And don’t just take our word for it. Igloo has clients across the world, in every sector who are realising a clear return on investment using shared immersive technology.

Igloo has over 15 years’ experience designing and building immersive spaces. And because our experience is so rich, and our technology is so flexible, our team of experts can specify the ideal immersive environment, software package and content plan to meet your training needs.

If you’re interested in exploring how Igloo immersive spaces can supercharge your training. Get in touch to book a demo today.

Get in touch


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